Photo Gallery

EvestG Chair

EvestG chair at RHC lab (2017)

Placement of electrodes 

Praciticing the placement of the ear electrodes at RHC lab


Biomed Team in the lab, Jan. 2009 Back row, from left to right:Ali Azarbarzin, AliAkbar Samandani, Archie Cooper, Zahra Moussavi, Samaneh Sarraf, and Mount-first NJ. Front row from left to right: Aman Montazeri, Azadeh Yadollahi and Saif Huq.

Biomed Team in the lab, 2003 Back row, from right to left: Jung, Lisa, Zahra, Mohammad, Marziyeh and Januray. Front row from right to left: Chad, Fazel, Mahsa and Aimee.

Testing TMS single pulse on Zahra in the lab, 2009

Aman being a subject for EEG study, 2009.

Aman wearing flow measurement mask as a study subject for sleep apnea study! 2010

Talia Shafaie playing the spatio-temporal psychophysical games with the manipulandum, 2009.

Sydney, an 11 grade high school student who was visiting our lab, is testing our newly devloped device for rehabiliation of paraplegic patient; July 2010.

Even ur Dean, Doug Ruth, participated as a subject for our flow-sound study! 2003.

Dr. Pasterkamp during his seminar on Nov. 1, 2002. For abstract of the seminar and more info click here.

Dr. Szeto during his seminar on Nov. 8, 2002. For abstract of the seminar and more info click here


Dr. Szeto and graduate students in the Lab, Fazel, Mahsa, Dr. Szeto, Irina and Marziyeh.

Dr. Szturm during his seminar on Nov. 15, 2002. For abstract of the seminar and more info click here

Oops! Watch out! After Dr. Szturm's lecture about balance, every one wanted to test his/her ability to control their balance in lack of visual feedback and also a purturbed properioception feeback by standing on top of a thick foam and closing their eyes. A young healthy normal person starts to sway a bit in this situation but is still able to manage the balance. So, we gave them more perturbation like asking them to move their head up and down rapidly to perturb the sense of center of gravity while eyes were closed or cognitive perturbation like asking some quick math questions. So finally every one was about to fall at the end!