Prof. Brian Lithgow
PUBLICATIONS (>167 refereed publications including 6 books, 2 book chapters, 5 patents) Refereed Journal Papers 1. Baseline Prediction of rTMS effiacy in Alzheimer patients Lithgow B., Dastgheib, Z., Moussavi Z. Psychiatry Res (2022), 308, 114348. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114348 2. “Protocol of Repeated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for improving cognition in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Trial”, Moussavi Z., Rutherford G., Lithgow B., Millikin C., Modirrousta M., Mansouri B., Wang X., Omelan C., Fellows L., Fitzgerald P., Koski L., JMIR Research Protocols, 10(1): e25144, Jan. 2021. Doi: 10.2196/25144 3. “Physiological separation of Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's disease with significant levels of cerebrovascular symptomology and healthy controls, Lithgow, B.J., Dastgheib, Z., Anssari, N., Mansouri, B., Blakley, B., Ashiri, M., Moussavi, Z.  Med Biol Eng Comput. (2021) 59(7-8):1597-1610. doi: 10.1007/s11517-021-02409-8 4. Protocol of Interim Analysis for Randomized controlled Trial of Repeated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for improving cognition in Alzheimer’s Disease authored by Zahra Moussavi, Lisa Koski, Paul B. Fitzgerald, Colleen Millikin, Brian Lithgow, Mohammad Jafari-Jozani, Xikui Wang JMIR Research Protocols, In Press, Jan. 2021. Doi:10.2196/31183 5. “A Novel Program to Improve Cognitive Function in Individuals With Dementia Using Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) and Tutored Cognitive Exercises” Moussavi, Z., Kimura, K., Kehler, L., Francisco, C. and Lithgow, B. (2021) Front. Aging 2:632545. doi: 10.3389/fragi.2021.632545 6. Electrovestibulography (EVestG) Application for Measuring Vestibular Response to Horizontal Pursuit and Saccadic Eye Movements.” Ashiri, M., Lithgow, B., Suleiman, A., Mansouri, B. and Moussavi, Z. (2021). Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. 10.1016/j.bbe.2021.03.007 7. “Quantitative measures of the visually evoked sensation of body movement in space (Vection) using Electrovestibulography (EVestG).” M. Ashiri, B. Lithgow, A. Suleiman, B. Mansouri, and Z. Moussavi (2020). Virtual Reality. DOI: 10.1007/s10055-020-00488-w. 8. “Differences Between Physical vs. Virtual Evoked Vestibular Responses.” M. Ashiri, B. Lithgow, A. Suleiman, B. Blakley, B. Mansouri, and Z. Moussavi (2020). Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 1- 15, 9. “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Safety from Operator Exposure Perspective,” Rutherford G., Lithgow B. and Moussavi Z., J Med Biol Eng Comput, 58(2):249-256, Dec. 2019. doi:10.1007/s11517-019-02084-w 10. “Effect of Multi-site Variabilities on Electrovestibulography: Environmental and Physical Factors” Lithgow, B.J., Moussavi, Z. J. Inform. Comm. Technol. (2019), 2019:1 10.32913/mic-ict- research.v2019.n1.885. 11. “Correlation between Ocular and Vestibular Abnormalities and Convergence Insufficiency in Post- Concussion Syndrome”, Suleiman, A., Lithgow, B. J., Anssari, N., Ashiri, M., Moussavi. Z. and Mansouri, B. (2019), Neuro-Opthalmology. 12. “Quantitative separation of the depressive phase of Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder using Electrovestibulography.” Lithgow, B. J., Moussavi, Z. & Fitzgerald, P. B. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 20(10) 799-812. 10.1080/15622975.2019.1599143, 2019. 13. “A Pilot Double-Blind Study of the Tolerability and efficacy of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Persistent Post-Concussion Syndrome.” Moussavi, Z. Suleiman, A., Rutherford, G., Pouya, O.R., Dastgheib, Z., Zhang, W., Salter, J., Wang, X., Mansouri, B., Lithgow, B.J. Scientific Reports (Nature) 9, 5498, 10.1038/s41598-019-41923-6, 2019. 14. “Bipolar Disorder in the Balance” Lithgow, B.J., Moussavi, Z., Gurvich, C., Kulkarni, J. Maller, J., Fitzgerald, P. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. DOI: 10.1007/s00406- 018-0935-x, 2018. 15. “Investigating the validity and reliability of Electrovestibulography (EVestG) for detecting post- concussion syndrome (PCS) with and without comorbid depression”. Suleiman, A., Lithgow, B., Mansouri, B. & Moussavi, Z. Scientific Reports (Nature) (2018) 8: 1-11, DOI:10.1038/s41598-018- 32808-1. 16. “ Physiological differences between Follicular, Luteal and Menses phases of Healthy Women using Electrovestibulography. Depression, Anxiety or other?” Lithgow, B.J. and Moussavi, Z. Neuropsychobiol. 76:72-81, 2018. 17. “Quantitative measurement of post-concussion syndrome (PCS) using Electrovestibulography (EVestG),” Suleiman A., Lithgow B., Dastgheib Z ., Mansouri B., and Moussavi Z., Scientific Reports (Nature), 7: 1-10, 2017. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-15487-2 18. “EVestG recordings are Vestibuloacoustic signals,” Blakley B., Sulieman A., Rutherford G., Moussavi Z. and Lithgow B. J.  Med. Biol. Eng.  , 39(2) 213-7, 2018, DOI 10.1007/s40846-018-0398- 6 . 19. “Using EVestG assessment for detection of symptomology consequent to a lateral-impact concussion,” Suleiman A., Lithgow B., Mansouri B. and Moussavi Z., J. Med. Biol. Eng.  , 39: (2) 218-23, (2018) DOI: 10.1007/s40846-018-0405-y . 20. “Visio-vestibular interaction in humans: changes in the vestibular response following visual stimuli of different colors,” Ashiri M., Lithgow B ., Suleiman A., Moussavi Z. and Mansouri B, J. Med. Biol. Eng  39:(2) 238-43, (2018)  . 21. “rTMS as a treatment for post-concussion syndrome,” Rutherford G., Mansouri B., Zhang W., Wang X., Suleiman A., Ranjbar O., Dastgheib Z., Salter J., Lithgow B., and Moussavi Z., 10 (2) 481. (2017) Brain Stimulation.   DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2017.01.409 . 22. “EVestG Diagnostic potentials for neurodegenerative disorders,” Dastgheib Z., Suleiman A., Moussavi Z. and Lithgow B ., Journal of Medicine and Biological Engineering (JMBE), 2017. 23. “Investigation of a New Weighted Averaging Method to Improve SNR of Electrocochleography Recordings”, Chathura L. Kumaragamage, Brian J. Lithgow , and Zahra K. Moussavi. Trans BME (2016) 63:(2) 340-7. 10.1109/TBME.2015.2457412 24. “Short and long term effects of rTMS Treatment on Alzheimer's Disease at Different Stages”, Rutherford, G. Lithgow, B.J., Moussavi, Z.M., J. Exp. Neurosci. (2015), 9, 43-51. DOI: 10.4137/JEN.S24004 25. “Major Depression and Electrovestibulography” Lithgow, B.J. , Garrett, A.L., Moussavi, Z., Gurvich, C., Kulkarni, J. Maller, J., Fitzgerald, P. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry (2015) 16(5):334-50. doi: 10.3109/15622975.2015. 1014410. 26. “Application of Vestibular Spontaneous Response as a Diagnostic Aid for Meniere's Disease”, Dastgheib ZA, Lithgow B, Blakely B, Moussavi Z, Ann Biomed Eng. 2016; 44(5):1672-84. doi: 10.1007/s10439-015-1441-1. 27. “A New Diagnostic Vestibular Evoked Response”, Dastgheib, Z., Lithgow, B.J., Blakley, B. and Moussavi, Z., J. Otolaryngology - Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery 2014, 44(1):14. DOI:10.1186/s40463-015-0065-7 28. "A new Low Noise Signal Acquisition Protocol and Electrode Placement for Electrocochleography (ECOG) Recordings”, (2015) Kumaraganage C., Moussavi Z and Lithgow B., MBEC. 53: (6) 499- 509, 2015. DOI:10.007/s11517/0015/1251/5 29. “Preliminary report: Neural Firing Patterns specific for Meniere’s Disease.”, Blakley, B. Dastgheib, Z., Lithgow, B.J., and Moussavi, Z., J. (2014) Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery 43:52 5pgs. 30. “An ear for psychiatry: separating mental disorders using vestibular field potentials”, (2014) Maller, J., Lithgow; B., Gurvich, C., S.,Kulkarni, Arch. Neurosci., 2(2):e19257. 31. “Development of an Ultra-Low Noise, Miniature Signal Conditioning Device for Vestibular Evoked Response Recordings,” Kumaraganage C., Lithgow B. and Moussavi Z., BioMedical Engineering Journal OnLine. 13(1) Jan. 2014., DOI: 10.1186/1475-925X-13-6 32. “Vestibular insights into cognition and psychiatry” (2013) Gurvich, C., Maller, J., Lithgow; B., Haghgooie, S.,Kulkarni, J. Brain Res Rev, 1537:244-59. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2013.08.058. 33. "A methodology for detecting field potentials from the external ear canal: NEER and EVestG", (2012) Brian J. Lithgow, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 40(8) 1835-1850. DOI:10.1007/s10439-012-0526-3. 34. "Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease using Electrovestibulography", (2012) Dastgheib Z., Lithgow B., and Moussavi Z., Med Biol Eng Comp, 50, Issue 5, pp 483-491. 35. “Wavelet Common Spatial Pattern in asynchronous offline brain computer interfaces “, (2010) Mousavi, EA., Maller, JJ., Fitzgerald, JB., Lithgow, BJ., Biomed Sig Proc Cont., 2011; 6(2) 121 128. 36. "Noise Cross PSD Estimation Using Phase Information in Diffuse Noise Field" (2009) Rahmani, M., Akbari, A., Ayad, B. and Lithgow, B. Sig. Proc. 89 (5): 703-709. 37. “Laboratory validation of the M-COVX metabolic module in measurement of oxygen uptake.” (2009) C. Stuart-Andrews, P. Peyton, T. Walker, A. Cairncross, G. Robinson and B. Lithgow. Anaesthesia and Intensive care 37(3):399-406. 38. "Continuous measurement of multiple inert and respiratory gas exchange in an anaesthetic breathing system by continuous indirect calorimetry", (2009). Stuart-Andrews. C., Peyton, P., Robinson,G., and Lithgow, B. J. Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 23(1):41-9. 39. “Continuous Continuous Indirect Calorimetry – a new method for metabolic gas exchange measurement in patients under anaesthesia”. (2007) Stuart-Andrews, C., Peyton, P., Robinson, G. and Lithgow, B., Physiol. Meas. 27, 155-164. 40. “Non-invasive metabolic monitoring of patients under anaesthesia by Continuous Indirect Calorimetry – an in vivo trial of a new method.” (2007) Stuart-Andrews. C., Peyton, P., Robinson,G., Terry, D., O'Connor, B., Van der herten, C. and Lithgow, B., British Journal of Anaesthesia. 98(1) pgs 45-52. 41. “Continuous indirect calorimetry—a laboratory simulation of a new method for non-invasive metabolic monitoring of patients under anaesthesia”, (2007), C. Stuart-Andrews, P. Peyton, G. Robinson and B Lithgow, Physiol. Meas. 27 155-164 42. “In Vivo Validation of the M-COVX Metabolic Monitor in Patients under Anaesthesia.” (2007) Stuart-Andrews. C., Peyton, P., Robinson,G., Terry, D., O'Connor, B., Van der herten, C. and Lithgow, B. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. 35, no.3, pgs 398-405. 43. “Are first year engineering students “Mature” enough to use web based teaching?” (2006) Lithgow, B., Abachi, H., Int. J. Sci. Res. 16. 4 pgs. 44. “Pilot investigation of the effect pulsed extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF- PEMFs) have on humans: Part I- heart rate variability (HRV).” (2006) Baldi. E, Baldi, C. and Lithgow, B.J. , Bioelectromagnetics. 28, no1. Pgs 64-68. 45. "Effect of alcohol on the vestibular response and the frontal brain asymmetry ratio" (2006) Neimiec, A., Lithgow, B. Int. J. Sci. Res. 16 4 pgs. 46. “A vestibular diagnostic response”. (2004) Shoushtarian, M. and Lithgow, B., J.APESM. 27(4), 189- 198. 47. “Higher order statistical analysis of /x/ in male speech”, (2005) Orr, M. and Lithgow, B., J. APESM., 28(1), pgs 56-9. 48. “Modelling the vestibular head tilt response”. (2005) Heibert, D. and Lithgow, B., J.APESM. 28(1), 37-42. 49. “Biomedical Engineering: Impressions of developing areas in Australia” (2005). Lithgow, B. J.APESM., 28, 60-65. 50. “The accuracy of the Foldes—Biro equation for measurement of oxygen uptake during aneasthesia: A laboratory study”. (2004) Stuart-Andrews, C., Peyton, P., Robinson, G. and Lithgow, B., Aneasthesia, 59, pgs 541-544. 51. “A vestibular diagnostic response”. (2004) Shoushtarian, M. and Lithgow, B., J.APESM. 27(4), 189- 198. 52. "Time scale analysis of transients for circuit breaker fault detection." (2003) Lee, D., Lithgow. B.J. and Morrison, R. IEEE Trans. Power Vol 18 No 2 pgs 454-459. 53. Microcalcifications using spatial filtering.” (2000) Lee, K.L. and Lithgow, B.J., Journal of Australian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, Vol. 23, No. 2, p.62-65. 54. “A Pilot Study on the Low Frequency (LF) Pulsing Magnetic Field (PMF) Effect on Soft Tissues Injuries: A Preliminary Analysis of the Results”, Baldi E., Lithgow B., Heath B., Cohen M., Cosic I. and Grace R.J., Med. Biol. Eng. Comp. 37, Suppl. 1, 103-104, 1999. 55. “Wavelet analysis of Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) data”, (1999) Lithgow. B.J. and Hua. K., Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 37, Supp.2, Part II, 1302-1303. 56. “Muscle Tissue Recovery Using the Low-frequency Electromagnetic Field,” (1999) Cosic I., Baldi E., Grace R.J., Heath B, Cohen M, Lithgow B., Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 37, Supp.2, 1334-1335. 57. "A high pulse rate electric stimulation model: An inferior colliculus unit study," Lithgow.B.J. and Clark. G.M., Med. Biol. Eng. Comp. 34, Suppl 1 (2), 227-228, 1996. 58. “A comparison of responsiveness of units in the cat inferior colliculus for monaural electric and acoustic stimulation," Lithgow, B.J. and Clark. G.M. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 1995 104 (9), Suppl. 166 (2) 118-120. 59. "Biomedical Engineering--Education," Lithgow.B.J. Mult. Discipl. Trans. I.E.,Aust. 1992. 60. "Biomedical Engineering--Education and Industry.An Australian Persective" Lithgow.B.J. J.Clin.Eng.July/August 1993. Vol. 18 No. 4 pgs 335-340 61. "A Comparison of Burst and Amplitude Modulated Electrical Stimulation of the Cochlea," Lithgow.B.J., J.Clin.Eng May/June 1992. Vol. 17. No.3 pgs 251-260. (invited paper) Refereed Journal Abstracts 1. “Identification of Alzheimer’s/vascular dementias using electrovestibulography: A pilot study.” Lithgow, B. J. & Moussavi, Z. Brain Stimulation 12, 487, 10.1016/j.brs.2018.12.592, 2019. 2. "A portable biological amplifier for electrovestibulography", Kumaragamage C., Lithgow B and Moussavi Z., J. Med. Devices, 6(1):017513, April 2012. doi: 10.1115/1.4026691 3. “The diagnosis of neurological conditions using Electrovestibulography”. (2013) Lithgow, B . and Moussavi, Z. European Psychiatry, 28, Supplement 1. 4. “ Separation of left and right responses in Depression”, (2012) Garrett, A., Lithgow, B.J. and Fitzgerald, P.B., Epilepsy and Behaviour, 24 (2) 193. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2011.04.044 5. “Dementia and EVestG”, (2011) Lithgow, B.J. and Moussavi, Z., Asian Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 4 Supplement 1, pg 56 . 6. “Electrovestibulography as a Diagnostic Measure for Schizophrenia”, (2008) S. Haghgooie, B. J. Lithgow, C. Winograd-Gurvich, J. Kulkarni. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 42 No 2, pg A50. 7. "High pulse rate effects on inferior colliculus (ICC) units." Lithgow, B.J., J. Med. Biol. Eng. Comp. 35, Suppl (1), 1997, pg 303 8. "A perspective of Biomedical Engineering in Australia." Lithgow, B.J ., J. Med. Biol. Eng. Comp. 35, Suppl (2), 1997, pg 1249. Refereed Conference Paper 1. "A Comparison of Burst and Amplitude Modulated Electrical Stimulation of the Cochlea," Lithgow.B.J. National IBME/SMBE conference on Medical Technology, Adelaide. 1990 pgs 51- 52. 2. "An Electrical Engineering degree based on Majors," Lithgow.B.J., Jenvey.S., PRCEEE National Conference, Melbourne. 1990. pgs 8-16 3. "Where do they come from, Where do they go?", Jenvey.S., Lithgow.B.J., PRCEEE National Conference, Melbourne . 1990. pgs 217-224 4. "The teaching environment for Biomedical education," Lithgow.B.J. Pacific Region Conferance on Electrical Engineering Education. Adelaide. Dec. 1992. pg 182-187. 5. "Biomedical Engineering-- Education, Environment and Infrastructure" Lithgow. B.J., AEESEAP/FEISEAP/IACEE International Conferance on Engineering Education '93. Singapore. Nov 93. pp 60-66. 6. "High pulse rate electric stimuli: Current level effects on inferior colliculus units," Lithgow. B.J. and Clark. G.M., 16th Annual Conferance of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Baltimore. USA. Nov 94. pgs 247-8. 7. "Inferior colliculus unit responses to electrical stimulation: A collicular integration model," Lithgow. B.J. and Clark. G.M., 17th Annual Conferance of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Montreal Canada. Sept 95 CDROM 2pgs. 8. "Cochlear implant signal processing: A method of reducing deterministic excitation," Lithgow. B.J. and Clark. G.M., International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, ISSPA, Gold Coast Australia, Aug 96 Vol 2, pgs 805-808. 9. "Computer aided undergraduate electronics engineering study program," Palit. S.K., Mani. N. and Lithgow. B.J. Pacific Region Conference on Electrical Engineering Education, PRCEEE 97, Woolongong, Feb 1997, pg 163-168. 10. "Cochlear implant threshold changes at high electric stimulus pulse rates," (1998) Lithgow, B.J. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Bioelectromagnetism, Melbourne, Australia. ISBN 0-7803-3867-7, IEEE Catalogue No. 98TH8269, pgs 117-118. 11. "SNR Improvement, filtering and spectral equalization in cochlear implants using wavelet techniques," (1998) Brehenbruch, C.P., and Lithgow, B.J. (1998) Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Bioelectromagnetism, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN 0-7803-3867-7, IEEE Catalogue No. 98TH8269, pgs 61-62. 12. "Potential advantages of high pulse rate stimulation of cochlear implants," (1998) Lithgow, B.J. (1998) Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Bioelectromagnetism, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN 0-7803-3867- 7, IEEE Catalogue No. 98TH8269, pgs 63-64. 13. "Time scale analysis of transients for circuit breaker fault detection." (1998) Lee, D., Lithgow. B.J. and Voumard. P. The 6th IEEE International Workshop on Intellegent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Melbourne. Australia. pgs 830-834. 14. “Extracting Wavelet Features for Use in a Back-propagation Neural Network: Applications in Condition Monitoring,” (1998) Lee, D., Lithgow, B.J., Mani, N. Proceedings of the 11 th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM’98), Launceston, Tasmania, Australia, pp.553-562. 15. "Analysis of images from the instant Kirlian diagnostic system (IKiDS) for detection of human stress." (1998) Abdulaziz, N., Charalambous. J., Soultanov. V., Rizberg. V., Lithgow. B.J., Cosic. I. The 6th IEEE International Workshop on Intellegent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Melbourne. Australia. pgs 733-737. 16. "Relaxing cochlear implant electrode design constraints using high pulse rate stimulation." (1998) Lithgow, B.J. Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Hong Kong, Vol 2. pgs 3132-3135. 17. "Signal processing and medical signal processing: The teaching differences." (1998) Lithgow, B.J. Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Hong Kong, Vol 2. pgs 3353-3356. 18. "Wavelet analysis of ABR data." (1999) Lithgow, B.J. and Fang, Q. Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of the Victorian Chapter of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Melbourne, pgs 50-53. 19. "The analysis of brainwaves by a thought comparitor to facilitate responsive functioning of electrical devices." (1999) Kholosi, M., McIntosh, A., Heath, B., Lithgow, B. and Cosic. I. Q. Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of the Victorian Chapter of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Melbourne, pgs 80-83. 20. "Neurone Modelling using VHDL." (1999) Zakis, J and Lithgow, B. Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of the Victorian Chapter of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Melbourne, pgs 89-92. 21. “An Analysis of Brain Waves by a "Thought Comparator" to Facilitate Responsive Functioning of Electrical Devices”, (1999) Kholosi M., McIntosh A., Heath B., Lithgow B., Cosic I., Proc. of the Inaugural Conference of the Victorian Chapter of the IEEE EMBS, 84-87. 22. "Medical and healthcare applications of intellegent information systems: An overveiw." (1999) Mani, N. and Lithgow, B. Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of the Victorian Chapter of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Melbourne, pgs 97-101. 23. "Kirlian photography techniques and equipment." (1999) Zakis, J., Lithgow, B., Cosic, I and Fang. Q. Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of the Victorian Chapter of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Melbourne, pgs 160-164. 24. “Postgraduate Biomedical Engineering Education in Australia: The Role of Conferences and Professional Societies”, (1999) Lithgow B.J, and Cosic I., PRCEEE99, 36-39. 25. “Educating electrical and computer systems engineering undergraduates in optical fiber communications engineering”, (1999) Le Nguyen Binh and Lithgow B.J, PRCEEE99, 156-159. 26. “Muscle Tissue Recovery Using the Low-frequency Electromagnetic Field”, Cosic I., Baldi E., Grace R.J., Heath B, Cohen M, Lithgow B., 1999, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 37, Supp.2, (Proc. EMBEC'99 European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, Vienna, Austria,) 1334-1335. 27. “Modelling high pulse rate electrical stimulation: effects on inferior colliculus units”. (1999) Lithgow. B.J., Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Atlanta, USA Vol 1. pgs 473. 28. “Extremely low frequency (ELF) pulsing magnetic field (PMF) effects on soft tissue injuries”, Lithgow. B.J., Heath B., Baldi E., Cohen M., Cosic I. and Grace R.J.,Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Atlanta, USA, Vol 2. pg 1295. 29. “Modern biomedical engineering curriculum design”, (2000) Lithgow, B.J. and Zakis, J.D., 4th Baltic Region Seminar on Engineering Education, Lyngby Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-3 September, pgs 121-125 30. “Articulated biomedical engineering curricula”, (2000) Lithgow, B.J. and Pudlowski, Z.J., 1st Russian Seminar on Engineering Education, Tomsk, Russia, 7-8 September, pgs 83-85. 31. “Frequency spectrum analysis of EEG during voluntary/involuntary contractionsof the abductor digiti minimi assisting in epileptic seizure detection”, (2000) Pekris, J., Lithgow, B., Cosic, I., Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS Asia-Pacific Conference on Biomedical Engineering.Hangzhou, China, Sept 26-28, CD-Rom, 2 pages. 32. “Biomedical engineering curriculum: - a comparison between the USA, Europe and Australia.”. (2001) Lithgow. B.J., Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Istanbul, Turkey. CD-Rom. 4pgs. 33. “Enhanced Modiolar Stimulation Effects in the Inferior Colliculus.” (2001) Lithgow. B.J., Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Istanbul, Turkey. CD-Rom. 4pgs. 34. “Investigation of an Optical Fibre Sensor for detecting lower limb location.” Chung, J. and Lithgow, B.J., Proceedings of the 2 nd conference of the Victorian chapter of the IEEE EMBS. February 2001, Clayton, Victoria, Australia. pgs 103-107. 35. “A Modiolar Stimulation Map measured in the Inferior Colliculus.” Lithgow, B.J., Proceedings of the 2 nd conference of the Victorian chapter of the IEEE EMBS. February 2001, Clayton, Victoria, Australia. pgs 10-12. 36. "A practical approach to real-time application of speaker recognition using wavelets and linear algebra," Pham, D.S., Orr, M.C., Lithgow, B.J, and Mahony, R., presented at 6th International Symposium on DSP for Communication Systems, Manly, NSW, Australia, 2002. pp. 139 - 143. 37. "Reduction of the cocktail party effect for hearing impaired patients by time-frequency signal processing," Orr, M.C., Lithgow, B.J, and Mahony, R., presented at International Hearing Aid Research Conference - ICHON 2002, Lake Tahoe, California, USA. Pg.44. 38. "Speech features found in a continuous high order statistical analysis of speech," Orr, M.C., Lithgow, B.J, and Mahony, R., presented at 24th Annual International Conference of the EMBS, Houston, Texas, USA, 2002. CDROM. 39. "Stochastic responses from electrically driven Inferior Colliculus units," Lithgow, B.J., presented at 24th Annual International Conference of the EMBS, Houston, Texas, USA, 2002. CDROM 4pgs. 40. “Biomedical Engineering Curriculum: should it be the Bioengineering curriculum?” Lithgow, B.J., presented at 25th Annual International Conference of the EMBS, Cancun Mexico, 2003.CD Rom 4pgs. 41. “Tinnitus Classification and Suppression”, by Neimic, A., Chin, Y., Dixon, I., Lithgow, B.,The Second IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering BIOMED 2004 Innsbruck, Austria. 4pgs. 42. “Vestibular Diagnostics: The Sp/Ap Ratio”, by Shoushtarian, M. and Lithgow, B., Proceedings of the 2 nd international Conference on Advances in Biomedical Signal and Information Processing, 2004, Malta G. C., pgs 62-66. 43. “A vestibular diagnostic: Balance platform”. (2005) Warner, C., Lithgow, B. and Engstrom, B. The IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering BIOMED 2005 Innsbruck, Austria. 4pgs. 44. “Effects of alchohol on the vestibular response and the frontal brain asymmetry ratio”. (2005) Lithgow, B., presented at 26th Annual International Conference of the EMBS, Beijing, China, 4pgs. 45. “Continuous indirect calorimetry—a laboratory simulation of a new method for noninvasive metabolic monitoring of patients under aneasthesia”. (2005) Stuart-Andrews, C., Peyton, P., Robinson, G., Terry, D., O’Connor, B., Lithgow, B. and Miles, P. ASA 2005—64 th National Scientific Congress, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, 24-27 th Sept 2005. 46. “ElectroVestibuloGram (EVestG): The separation of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo and Meniere’s Disease” by B. Lithgow, M. Shoushtarian, and D. Heibert. MedSip2006, Glasgow, UK. CD Rom 4 pgs. 47. “The relationship between Electrovestibulography (EvestG) and Parkinson’s Disease” M. Shoushtarian, B. Lithgow. MedSip2006, Glasgow, UK. CD Rom 4 pgs. 48. The Relationship Between Electrovestibulography and Parkinson’s Disease Severity", M. Shoushtarian and B. Lithgow, (2007) Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Lyon France 4 pages. 49. "Electrovestibulography (EVestG): The “DC” potential used to separate Meniere’s Disease and BPPV" (2007) by A .Garrett, D.Heibert and B. Lithgow, Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Lyon France 4 pages. 50. “EVestG TM : Responses In Depressed Patients”, (2008) by A. Garrett, B.J. Lithgow, C. Gurvich, P. Fitzgerald. Presented at 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Vancouver, Canada, 4pgs. 51. “EVestG TM : A Diagnostic Measure for Schizophrenia” (2008) S. Haghgooie, B. J. Lithgow, C. Winograd-Gurvich, and J. Kulkarni. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Vancouver, Canada, 4pgs. 52. “EVestG TM : A Measure for Meniere's Disease”, (2008) B. J. Lithgow, A. Garrett, D. Heibert. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Vancouver, Canada, 4pgs. 53. “Phase Synchronization Index of Vestibular System Activity in Schizophrenia”, (2008) S. Haghgooie, B. J. Lithgow, C. Winograd-Gurvich, J. Kulkarni. 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME2008). Singapore, 4pgs. 54. “Quantitative Detection and Assessment of Schizophrenia Using Electrovestibulography” S. Haghgooie, B. J. Lithgow, C. Winograd-Gurvich, J. Kulkarni. NER2009, Ankalya, Turkey. 4pgs. 55. “EVestG signals: Feature selection.” B. J. Lithgow, D. Heibert. NER2009, Ankalya, Turkey. 4pgs. 56. “Computer Models of the Vestibular Head Tilt Response, and their relationship to EVestG and Meniere’s Disease”, Heibert,D.,Lithgow, B.and Hourigan, K., Tokyo May 2010 International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems Engineering. 57. "Application of fractal dimension on vestibular response singles for diagnostic of Parkinson Disease," Dastgheib Z., Lithgow B . and Moussavi Z., Proc IEEE EMBS conf., Sept. 2011. 58. “Indication of Abnormal Peripheral Sensory Processing of Rotational Stimulation in ADHD”, Grossman, I. and Lithgow, B ., 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS San Diego, USA, September, 2012. pgs 4668-4671. 59. “Vestibular Spontaneous Response as a Potential Signature for Parkinson’s Disease”, Dastgheib Z., Lithgow B. and Moussavi Z., 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS San Diego, USA, September, 2012. pgs 3704-3707. 60. “Indication of Abnormal Peripheral Sensory Processing of Rotational Stimulation in ADHD”, Grossman, I. and Lithgow, B ., 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS San Diego, USA, September, 2012. pgs 4668-4671. 61. “Implementation of a Gelatin Model to Both Simulate and Facilitate Detection of Inner Ear Biological Activity” C. Kumaragamage, C., Edwards, R., Moussavi, Z. and Lithgow, B . 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Osaka, Japan, 2013 :4545-8. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610558 . 62. “A pilot evaluation of vestibular performance using EVestG following mTBI,” Lithgow B , and Moussavi Z., IEEE EMS on Neural Engineering Conf, San Diego Nov. 2013.4pgs 63. “The perceived orientation in people with and without Alzheimer’s,” Zen D., Byagowi A., Garcia M., Kelly D., Lithgow B. and Moussavi Z., IEEE EMBS on Neural Engineering Conf, San Diego Nov. 2013. 4pgs. 64. “Investigating the feasibility of EVestG Assessment for screening concussion,” Suleiman A., Lithgow B., Mansouri B. and Moussavi Z., IEEE EMBC, pp:3375-3378, doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319116, 2015. 65. ” Breathing sounds characteristics correlate with structural changes of upper airway due to obstructive sleep apnea,” Moussavi Z., Elwali A., Soltanzadeh R., McGregor A. and Lithgow B IEEE EMBC, pp: 5956-5959, DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319748, 2015. 66. “Comparison of a new ad-hoc classification method with Support Vector Machine and Ensemble classifiers for the diagnosis of Meniere's disease using EVestG signals”, Dastgheib Z., Ranjbar O., Lithgow B. and Moussavi Z., IEEE CCECE, May 2016. 67. “EVestG Recordings are vestibular signals,” Blakley B., Suleiman A., Rutherford G, Moussavi Z., Lithgow JB., Proc. IEEE CMBES, May 2017. 68. “Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) as a treatment for post-concussion syndrome,” Rutherford G. Lithgow B., Mansouri B., Suleiman A., Ranjbar O. Dastgheib Z., Zhang W., Salter J. and Moussavi Z.Proc. IEEE CMBES, May 2017. 69. “Using EVestG assessments for the detection of symptomology consequent to a lateral-impact concussion,” Suleiman A., Lithgow B., Mansouri B. and Moussavi Z., Proc. IEEE CMBES, May 2017. 70. “EVestG diagnostic potentials for neurodegenerative disorders,” Dastgheib Z., Suleiman A., Moussavi Z. and Lithgow B., Proc. IEEE CMBES, May 2017. 71. “Visio- Vestibular Interaction In Humans: Changes In The Vestibular Response Following Visual Stimuli Of Different Colors.” Ashiri, M., Lithgow, B., Suleiman, A., Mansouri, B. and Moussavi, Z. (2017). 2017 CMBEC40 Conference, Winnipeg MB, CA, 23–26. 72. “Comparison between Vestibular Responses to a Physical and Virtual Reality Rotating Chair.” Ashiri, M., Lithgow, B., Mansouri, B. and Moussavi, Z. (2020). In Proceedings of ACM Augmented Human Conference (AH’20). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages. 73. Ashiri M., Lithgow B. and Moussavi Z., “Using Electrovestibulography to comparatively Measure Vestibular Responses to Virtual vs Physical Contralateral/Ipsilateral Head Tilts,” 11 th Augmented Human International Conference, May 2020. 74. Saha C., Figley C., Dastgheib Z., Lithgow B. and Moussavi Z., “Pilot Study for Investigating Differences between Alzheimer’s Patients with and without Significant Vascular Pathology,” forthcoming CMBEC 2021. Refereed Conference Abstracts. 1. "Signal coding consequences of electrical stimulation of the cochlea." Lithgow, B. J. National EPSM Conference on Medical Technology, Sydney. 18, 1991 2. "Bachelor of Clinical Engineering," Lithgow, B. J. National EPSM Conference on Medical Technology, Sydney. 71, 1991 3. "Effects of monaural electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus," Lithgow, B.J., Clark, G.M, and Tong, Y.C. APSEM/BECON'92 National Conferance Gold Coast Qld., Sept. 1992. pg 94. 4. "Biomedical education--the environment," Lithgow, B.J. APSEM/BECON'92 National Conferance Gold Coast Qld., Sept. 1992. pg 92. 5. "The excitability of units in the inferior colliculus to monaural electrical stimulation, "Lithgow, B.J., Clark, G.M, and Tong, Y.C., Australian Pharmacological and Physiological Society. Sept. Gold Coast Qld, Sept. 1992. pg 129P. 6. "Inferior Colliculus Responses to Electrical Stimulation", Lithgow, B.J. and Clark, G.M. EPSM'94 Conferance on Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine. Perth, Sept. 1994. pg 94. 7. "Responses of inferior colliculus units to electrical stimulation," Lithgow. B.J. and Clark. G.M., International Cochlear Implant, Speech and Hearing Symposium, Melbourne. 1994 pg 178. 8. "High pulse rate electric stimuli: Pulse rate effects on inferior colliculus units", Lithgow.B.J. and Clark.G.M. EPSM'95 Conferance on Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine. Queenstown New Zealand, Nov. 1995. pg 139. 9. "Modelling high pulse rate electric stimulation", Lithgow.B.J. and Clark.G.M. EPSMH'96 Conferance on Engineering and the Physical Sciences in Medicine and Health. Canberra Australia, Oct 1996. pg 160. 10. "Neural network controlled wavelet selection for removing ambient noise in hearing aids" Behrenbruch, C. and Lithgow, B.J., PERM-IT Conference, Sept 1997, Adelaide SA, pg 3B-1 11. “Continuous indirect calorimetry—a laboratory simulation of a new method for non invasive metabolic monitoring of patients under aneasthesia”. (2005) Stuart-Andrews, C., Peyton, P., Robinson, G., Terry, D., O’Connor, B., Lithgow, B. and Miles, P. ASA 2005—64 th National Scientific Congress, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, 24-27 th Sept 2005. 12. “In vivo validation of a device for measurement exchange of metabolic gas exchange in patients under aneasthesia”, (2006), Stuart-Andrews, C., Peyton, P., Robinson, G., Terry, D., O’Connor, B.,Van der herten, C. and Lithgow, B. ASA 2006—65 th National Scientific Congress, 21-24 th Oct 2006. 13. “Frontal Brain Asymmetry as a Marker of Depression and Effectiveness of TMS Therapy”, Mani,D., Lithgow,B. EPSM ABEC 2010 Conference Melbourne. 14. “Modeling The Vestibular System -- EvestG and Balance Disorders”, Heibert,D., Lithgow,B., Hourigan,K. EPSM ABEC 2010 Conference Melbourne. Books. 1. "Signal Processing and Filters," Lithgow, B.J. Mi-tec Publishing, Melbourne. ISBN 1 875925 21 X, 49pgs. 1997. 2. "Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism," Eds. B.J. Lithgow and I. Cosic. IEEE Catalogue No. 98TH8269, ISBN 0-7803-3867-7, 206pgs. 1998. 3. "Biomedical Engineering in the 3rd Millennium," Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of the Victorian Chapter of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Eds. B. Lithgow and I. Cosic. Monash Printing, Melbourne, ISBN 0-646-36946-6, 219pgs. 1999. 4. "A TMS320C6xxx DSP Laboratory Course," Lithgow, B.J. Mi-tec Publishing, Melbourne. ISBN 1 875925 52 X, 120pgs. 2001. 5. "Biomedical Engineering in 2001”, Proceedings of the 2 nd Conference of the Victorian Chapter of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Eds. B. Lithgow and I. Cosic. Monash Printing, Melbourne, ISBN 0-9578686-0-X, 227pgs. 2001. 6. "A Texas instruments 2005 TMS320C6xxx Laboratory Course," Lithgow, B.J. Mi-tec Publishing, Melbourne. ISBN 1 875925 60 O, 218pgs. 2005. Book chapters. 1. “Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy for exercise-induced muscle injury”, (2000) Cohen M., Heath B., Lithgow B., Cosic I. and Bailey, M., In: The Engineering of Sport, Ed. A.J. Subic and S.J. Haake, Blackwell Science Publishers, Oxford U.K., 317-328. 2. "A novel dual adaptive approach to speech processing," (2002) Orr, M.C., Lithgow, B.J., Mahony, R., and Pham, D.S., in Advanced signal processing for communication systems, Eds. T. Wysocki, M. Darnell, and B. Honary: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002., 47-58. Reports. 1. "Report to the working party to examine the commercialisation from medical research." Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing and Community Services. Lithgow.B.J. 5pp, 1991. 2. "Report on biomedical and clinical engineering--research and education" Report to the Research Directions Working Party, Australian Science and Technology Council. Lithgow.B.J. 7pp, 1991. 3. "A Centre for Biomedical Engineering Education," Lithgow.B.J. Education Report to Victorian IBME. Oct. 1990. Other Publications. 1. "Analogue microprocessor INTEL 2920" McLeod, Lithgow, Faulkner; 1981,1982. F.I.T short course for professional engineers. 2. "A real time formant tracker" Lithgow, B.J., 1982 M.Eng.Sc Thesis. Business Publications. 1. Presidents Reports, Brian. J. Lithgow. Bentleigh RSL& Bentleigh RSS&A Club-- Circulation 2200, Membership 5200, Turnover $41M p.a. “At Ease”, May 95,pgs 1-3, August 95 pgs 1-2, December 95 pgs 1-3, March 96 pgs1,5-7pgs, May 96 pgs 1-3, August 96 pgs 2-3. 2. Artistic Works.“Lucians Waltz”, Brian. J. Lithgow. In Australian Contemporary Folk Dances (1) Eds: T.S.D.A.V. Chapter:-Australian couples dances, Pg 1.
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